Victor Pinchuk Foundation Invites Applications for the Young Leaders Section at the 16th YES Annual Meeting

10 July 2019

The Victor Pinchuk Foundation and Yalta European Strategy (YES) invites applications from  students and young leaders from all regions of Ukraine to participate in the Young Leaders Section at the 16th YES Annual Meeting, which will take place on September, 12-14, 2019, in Kyiv. The Young Leaders Section is a discussion platform for young people to share ideas, learn from international and local professional experience and develop practical solutions to solve critical modern challenges.

Since 2012, YES has annually invited 100 students and young professionals, including alumni of the Foundation’s scholarship programs Zavtra.UA and WorldWideStudies, to participate in the Section in order to inspire Ukraine’s brightest and most active youth. Seven hundred of the best Ukrainian students and young leaders have participated in the Young Leaders Section at the YES Annual Meetings since its launch.  

Section participants will have the opportunity to discuss pressing Ukrainian and global challenges with leaders, experts, politicians, businessmen and civic activists from all over the world.

Important dates:

August 9 – registration deadline. The registration form is available here.  
August 12 to August 17 – interviews with selected applicants (online, in-person, Skype, telephone);
August 17 – official notification of the contest results.

The core criteria to select the young leaders are active civic participation, leadership potential, participation in social projects and strong motivation to support initiatives that aim to bring positive changes for the future as well as knowledge of English language.

Speakers at the Young Leaders Sections have included leading Ukrainian and international politicians, opinion-makers and civil society leaders, such as Tony Blair, Bono, Richard Branson, David Cameron, Jared Cohen, Valdis Dombrovskis, Niall Ferguson, Robert Gates, Elton John, John Kerry, Vitaliy Klitschko, Ray Kurzweil, Bernard-Henry Lévy, David H. Petraeus, Petro Poroshenko, Condoleezza Rice, Karl Rove, Kevin Spacey, İldem Tacan, Muhammad Yunus, Fareed Zakaria and others.

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Yuval Harari
Yuval Harari
Professor, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 16th YES Annual Meeting, 2019
«We are already in the midst of an AI arms race, with the USA and China leading the race, while most countries are being left far behind.»